Australian Folk Songs ... on the web since 1994
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A research collection for the study of Australian vernacular songs and poems with words, music and information about each lyrical composition.

A comprehesive bibliography and discography and 93 articles about Australian folk songs and the Folk Revival.

This site is old in web years, it was born in November 1994 (when it became one among only 10,000 websites in the whole wide world!) and has grown online ever since.

Starting from 101 Songs in 1994, it has now expanded to a total of 1103 Songs and Poems almost entirely through recent discoveries of original material that was published in 231 different Australian newspaper titles which are now digitised - through the National Library of Australia TROVE Project.

This collection allows us to experience a tradition in the process of creating itself.

Bare Belled Ewe on TV: ABC1 Landline February 2014

ebook - Sixty Years Of Australian Union Songs (2005)

The Bare Belled Ewe - As Published in 1891

19th century T.U.S. "Trade Union Shears" manufactured in Sheffield by a trade union co-operative. These famous shears
were advertised for sale to shearers at a discount through the shearers' union the AWU and its newspaper the Worker.

Ward & Payne shears from 1911 catalogue: courtesy Ken Hawley Collection Trust

Still making quality tools today Robert Sorby gained a strong reputation in North America, Australia,
New Zealand, South Africa, and many parts of Europe. -- Many Thanks to John Pyke for this infomation.
Sorby & Wilkinson's Sheep Shears were first advertised in Australian newspapers in 1841.

  1. anti-conscription songs
  2. anti-conscription movement
  3. mua here to stay
  4. muasongs
  5. muacdsongs
  6. unionsongs
  7. peacesongs
  8. songs of the 1891 shearers strike
  9. frank the poet
  10. 1917 railway waitresses join strike
  11. lloyd presentation
  12. 1938 dalfram dispute
  13. sixty years of australian union songs
  14. patrick dispute songs
  15. bare-belled ewe (1891)
  16. green ban songs and poems
  17. australian working songs and poems
  18. a swag of australian songs
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