Australian Folk Songs
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Aboriginal Protest To Police (1933)
Since the dole was first introduced police officers, in charge of the distribution, have
received many complaints from people who have been refused it and who maintain they are
entitled to receive coupons. It has been left to an aboriginal in the Tibooburra district
to supply something original in the shape of a protest for not being granted rations. A
letter read at the Central Police Station reads:"I applied to Tibooburra to get rations and can't get him. Other men have been getting him.
Why I can't? Let me know. You tell me before not to come back. I am going to stop here till
it rains."[Aborigines are not issued with Government dole, but when in destitute circumstances are
provided for by the Aborigines Protection Board.]Notes
From the NSW Newspaper The Barrier Miner 5 Apr 1933 Page 2.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory