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A September Sail (1903)
Song of Sydney Harbour.
(BY. H.C.C.)
I own the whole of New South Wales,
I'm boss of Vic, and Q.,
Mine, mine are S, and Doubloo A.,
And mine is Tassy, too !
My heart heats high to cloudless sky,
In Joy of jocund health.
The one refraln it beats again-
I own the Commonwealth !For,
I'm sailing in the Springtime on the Harbour,
The Beautiful, the Bluenessful, the Harbour !
And the soul within me gaily
Twirls it blackthorn or shillelagh ;
Sings a stave or two of Daley,
Tis the wind-and-water music of the Harbour !I rule with easy, equal laws,
This Commonwealth of mine !
And each enjoys his own, because
It's his by right divine.
And each Is king—a glorious thing !-
Beneath a Heaven of blue-
My dancing prow so sang but now !
The winds proclaim it true !For,
I'm sailing in the Springtime on the Harbour,
The Beautiful, the Bluenessful, the Harbour !
And the water round me lapping,
And the canvas o'er me flapping ;
Set in meet and tuneful wrapping.
Bits of Brady that come to me on the Harbour!The World's a world of endless Peace,
Of Goodness and Content;
It has no need of large Police,
No use for Parliament !
And ev'ry king to all who sing,
Bards living, and the dead,
To ev'ry Art, throws wide his heart,
flows low a joyous head !For I'm sailing in the Springtime on the Harbour,
The Beautiful, the Bluenessful, the Harbour !
And the sky is o'er it flinging,
Light that sets a Man a-singing,
All the songs through ages ringing-
David sings duets with Shakespeare on the Harbour !Of course, It's all a sunllt lie-
Ashore, when Day is closed,
The streets are narrow, houses high,
And all the "kings" deposed !
The "kingdom's" spent with Discontent,
Despite its gaudy glare,
And Song, sweet Song, 'mid all the Wrong,
sweet Song is sobbing there !But, I sailed one glorious Sprlngday on the Harbour,
The Beautiful, the Blunessful, the Harbour !
And the soul, that's sure eternal,
From its spirit, vast and vernal,
Gained new life for Town Infernal,
where the God is never seen Who walks the Harbour !Notes
From the NSW Newspaper The Sunday Sun 20 Sep 1903 p. 5.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory