Australian Folk Songs
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Australian Folk Songs (1957)
Edgar Waters
The history and background of such songs at The Wild Colonial
Boy and The Gypsy Davy will be given by folklorist Edgar Waters
in his Quality Street feature Song Hunting-on Sunday, February
10, at 9.45 p.m. from 2BL-2NC, 2CN, 3LO, 4QR, 5AN, 7ZR
(not country Regional stations).Mr. Waters has worked in association with such authorities as
John Meredith of the Sydney Folklore Society, to record and present
Australian folksongs and Australianised overseas songs.The programme consists of spontaneous performances from old-timers
and others who recalled and sang the songs. Neither lyrics nor melodies
have been "touched up" at all by professional song-writers.Notes From the Sydney Newpaper The Tribune 6 Feb 1957 p. 5. Top
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory