Australian Folk Songs
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Men of Austral--Sons of Toil
A poem by Mona Marie
Men of Austral--Sons of toil,
Let none you of rights despoil.
Ye of sinew and of Wind
Be not fickle as the mind ;
Veering round from south to north,
But, like armies trained go forth
Disciplined for labor's light,
Go in Union's peerless might;
Ye are men ! Ye are not slaves !
Wherefore be the tools of knaves ?Austral's isle is Freedom's home,
Here beneath it's favor'd dome
Shall, to suit oppressions whim
Freedom's altar lights grow dim.
Craven like, say, will ye cower
Now in labor's battle hour ?
Fear ye childlike', false! alarms,
Have ye not stout hearts mid arms ?
Ye are men ! Ye are not slaves !
Wherefore be the tools of knaves !Justice here hath rear'd its throne ;
Progress like a mighty zone
Girdles this our sunlit isle ;
Avarice hath ceased to smile ;
Education hath at last,
Like a stern Iconoclast,
Hewn the old time idols down,
Now, ye need not fear their frown ;
Ye are men ! Ye are not slaves !
Wherefore be the tools of knaves ?Capital in honest hands
Will concede your just demands ;
Capita! in hands unjust.
Like a worm, shall bite the dust.
Sons of Austral's favor'd clime,
Standing firm 'midst woes sublime ;
Fight not as oppressors light,
Battle only for the right
Ye are men ! Ye are not slaves !
Wherefore be the tools of knaves ?MONA MARIE. Ballarat.
From the NSW newspaper the Nepean Times Saturday 18 October 1890 p. 6.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory