Australian Folk Songs
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Sogarth Aroon (1876)
(AIR—The Priest in his Boots)Come all you pious miners, I pray you lind an ear,
For a doleful lamentation, I mane to let you hear,
Concernin' how our holy name received a "desecration"
In the colyumns of the public Press by "villianous" publication.Now, pray attind and listen and lift yer heads on high,
Your the finest min that lives on earth beneath the blessed sky,
Our holy priest says so, at least, and so at least should I !But by the powers above us ! the times are turnin' quare
When an editor has th' impudence with priests to interfare !
To critisise their sarmons, or publish their abuse !
Or try to find how cash was spent subscribed for parish use !Now; by the rock of Cashel and the anshient Hill of Howth,
I would tear them into pieces—himself and "vile rag "both.
But, thin my friends to go to gaol another time I'm loth.Our patriotic Irish priest to we has shown,
He'll edicate our little ones with money that's our own :
So we'll decry and vilify, and send O'K. to hell.
For those who pay and those who dont, there's not a one can tell.We will not send thim to a school supported by the State,
Enough to learn to read and write and cipher on a slate—
'Tis "essential part of holy faith," as ses the Advocate !Now, to conclude an' finish an' to end this little song,
I hope my friends from other things I've not detained you long ;
Each miner sees I'm one of those who came from the "ould art,"
And when th' occasion comes about I'm there to take a part.So, buroo for a "Real Miner" and a "Catholic Parent," too,
When they put their heads together it is seen what they can do,—
The one discinds from the Galtees, the other fromBRIAN BORU !
From the Queensland newspaper the Northern Miner Wednesday 13 December 1876 p. 4.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory