Australian Folk Songs
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The Bushman's Home (1870)
Come all you bushmen and listen to me,
And go look at the Club that's preparing for thee ;
It's there you'll be happy, contented, and snug,
So never mind carrying you old 'possum rug.There'll be fish for your breakfast, so nice and so sweet,
Or, if you're inclined, you can have it of meat ;
There'll be eggs and fresh butter, hot sausage and ham,
And these ought to please any common bushman.Roast beef and plum duff, on the table till two,
With kangaroos' tails made into a stew ;
There'll be unions, and cabbage, and spuds in galore :
So you'll laugh and rejoice, we'll sing and, encore;There'll be games of all sorts, with swings and trapeze,
Skittles, cricket, and quoits, and whatever we please.Then comes tea, and supper, I suppose, about 10--
But the big bell will ring to tell the men when.
When our money's all done, and we feel ourselves poor,
Why, it's back to the bush we will go for some more.SYDNEY B.
Mungibbie, S.E.Notes
From the Adelaide newspaper the South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail Saturday 14 May 1870 p. 3.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory