Australian Folk Songs
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Shearers' Song (1871)
Air--Cheer, Boys ! Cheer !
Shear, boys ! shear ! no more of idle yarning--
Labor alone will bear us on our way;
Work, boys, work ! the sun now gives us warning,
That night is coming to close the summer's day.Now is our time, boys,--the heavy fleece is growing,
There's work, good and steady, for many a summers' day;
Hundreds shall follow in the track we're going
Now is the time, boys; shear, shear away.Shear, boys, sheer ! the pay is good and ready ;
Shear, boys, shear ! with strong and willing hand ;
Shear, boys, shear ! let's at it hard and steady,
Shear, boys, shear ! in this new and happy land.Shear, boys, shear ! how many a mile we've wander'd,
Looking for work, and looking it in vain;
Think, boys, think, how many a pound we've squander'd,
Then work with a will, boys, nor be such fools again.Many a spree we've had, spent many a hard-earned shilling;
Then fasting and weary we've tramped the lonely way--
Then work, boys, work ! with ready hand and willing,
And we'll save our cheques, boys, 'gainst a rainy day.Shear, boys, shear ! let's at it hard and steady ;
Shear, boys, shear I stout heart and willing hand ;
Shear, boys, shear ! the pay is good and ready ;
And cheer, boys, cheer ! for this new and happy land.Argyle, Sept. 20th. M.
From the NSW Newspaper the The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle Saturday 7 October 1871 p. 2.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory