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The Squatters' Dirge (1883)
Figaro's " Barrel Organ.So here I am in Brisbane, Sirs, a looking for a job,
Who once a wealthy squatter was--a West of Queensland nob.Chorus--Larry cum dooril, looril lay,
Larry cum dooril, looril lay.But now I'm poor and seedy too, life's nectar's turned to gall
For that Transcontinental line made " brokers " of us all.Chorus--Larry cum, &c.
First came the ruthless iron horse a snorting thro' our runs,
Then free selectors crammed and jammed in oarriages by tons.Chorus--Larry cum, &c.
They ate the eyes out of our land, the waterholes about
Had each a humpy on its bank before the year was out.Chorus--Larry cum, &c.
So fencing in our waterholes and slicing up each block,
Unsparingly and daringly they then attacked our stock.Chorus--Larry cum, &c.
Our "monkeys" suffered terribly, by thousands they decreased,
Until we all a muster made to find who had the least.Chorus--Larry cum, &c.
Percentage after lambing grew so low, the squatters fust,
Began to clear for other fields--a few got on the " bust."Chorus--Larry cum, &c.
Selectors had their lambings and 'twas nothing very new,
To hear their increase reckoned at ten lambs for every ewe.Chorus--Larry cum, &c.
Three years of "drudgery" I spent, of up-hill tugs and pulls,
Till finally my choicest flocks were some few hundred " culls."Chorus--Larry cum, &c.
To sell I was unable, so the bank closed fast its hand,
Bestowing far more kicks than crowns upon me for my stand.Chorus--Larry cum, &c.
Selectors, railway syndicates; are robbers at the best,
Whose creed is to exterminate the squatters of the West.Chorus--Larry cum, &c.
A billet I must now get, but a Guv'ment one will do,
For experience has taught me now a trick that's well worth two.Chorus--Larry cum, &c.
So here I am in Brisbane, Sirs, a looking for a job,
Who once a wealthy squatter was--a West of Queensland hob?Chorus--Larry cum, &c. Larry cum dooril, looril lay.
From the Queensland Newspaper the Queensland Figaro Saturday 21 April 1883 p. 4.
See also
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory