Australian Folk Songs
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A War Song (1892)
Rise ! Australian sons of Labour,
Hearken to the bugle's bray,
Buckle on your shield and sabre,
Gird you for the fray.Burst the Tyrant's chains asunder
Which for ages you have worn ;
Fear not the oppressor's thunder.
Hail our country's morn !Freedom is our only watchword,
Union is our greatest strength ;
Soon our voices shall be heard
O'er earth's breadth and length.Waste no force in wordy warfare,
Actions only now can save ;
In this struggle all must share :
Victory crowns the brave.Man the ballot-box, I tell you,
Raze that House which overawes,
Spurn the tyrants who would quell you.
Justice first, then laws.March on comrades to the battle ;
Up, and at them ! Sound alarms !
When we hear th' election's rattle,
Comrades, then to arms !CALEB.
From the Wagga NSW newspaper the Worker Saturday 29 October 1892, p. 4.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory