Australian Folk Songs
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"In The Shade" (1910)
[For The Worker.]
"If the contest were fought on fair, broad lines of policy, the Government had nothing whatever to
fear, and felt sure that the people would leave its slanderers for another three years in the shade."--
N.S.W, Premier Wade at Burwood.You've all sung "In the Shade of the "Old Apple Tree." Try this, to the same music:--
The oracle his jaw is glibly swinging,
The little Czar is babbling like a loon,
For in his ears the bells of doom are ringing--
The workers will be heard from very soon !
For they are up in arms against oppression,
The mist that marred their vision rolls away,
When Labor comes at last into possession
"New South," my lads, will then no longer stay--(Chorus.)
In the shade of the old Gallows Tree ;
Where the leg-iron laws used to be;
From the dark, deadly shade
That's so dear still to Wade
In October, thank God, we'll be free !
Louder far than the "buzz of the bee "
Is the song of our hearts full of glee
As we load up our gun
To avenge the deeds done
In the shade of the Old Gallows Tree !No other land has squandered so its glory,
Our heritage is fair beyond a dream,
We're pledged to shine the best in Freedom's story,
We catch the Daybreak's soul-inspiring gleam;
To all the Earth the Dawn comes bright and cheery,
With longing hearts we wait the Day to see
When with the will that never can grow weary
We chop to chips the sour old Gallows Tree !(Chorus.)
In the shade of the old Gallows Tree
Very rotten the fruit you can see,
So the axe it is laid
To the root, for 'tis said--
"By their fruits ye
shall know them," sire !
And this time's rotten-ripe, you'll agree
That they hewn and burnt up should be !
Root and branch let us hew, Day is blocked from our view
In the shade of the old Gallows Tree !H.C.C.
From the Wagga, NSW newspaper the Worker Thursday 1 September 1910, p. 23.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory