Australian Folk Songs
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On The Far Barcoo (1925)
Hurrah for the Western railway, and hurrah for Cobb and Co. ;
Sing a song for a jolly fat home to carry me Westward ho ;
To carry me Westward ho my boys, that's where the cattle pay.
In the far Barcoo where they eat nardoo, one thousand miles away.Chorus.
Then give your horses rein across the open plain,
We'll ship our meat both fresh and neat, nor care what some folks say.
For it's frozen in and we'll send home the bullocks that now do roam
From the far Barcoo where they eat nardoo, one thousand miles away.Knee deep through grass we'll have to pass, you will upon my soul
When in two months the bullocks get as fat as they can roll.
As fat as they can roll my boys, one thousand pounds they'll weigh,
In the far Barcoo where they eat nardoo, one thousand miles away.No Yankee hide e'er grew outside such beef as we can rate.
No Yankee pastures rears such stock as we'll send o'er the seas
As we'll send o'er the seas my boy, while thousands of them stray
In the far Barcoo where they eat nardoo, one thousand miles away.Notes
From the Queensland newspaper the Townsville Daily Bulletin Monday 3 September 1923, p. 5.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory