Australian Folk Songs
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A Strike Song (1927)
The following verses, written by Mr. Fred Williams, a worker in the building trade, were sung
at the last mass meeting of unionists now on strike, to the tune of "The Red Flag" :--The fight is on for forty hours,
You pioneers, the building trade,
All unionists, obey the call,
Till victory won. We want your aid.Chorus.
Fight on, fight on, we'll win the day,
The bosses can't have all the say.
Our cause is just. We have no fear,
Let's keep tbe Red Flag flying here.Comrades, all eyes are on us now,
From north to south and east to west,
This fight is for our growing lads.
Australia's sons, who are the best,Chorus,
We'll organise, and fight as one,
The building trades must show the way.
Unite in one big union,
Our only hope another day.Chorus.
From the Queensland newspaper the Daily Standard Tuesday 15 March 1927, p. 5.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory