Australian Folk Songs
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Song Of The Trusts (1908)
There's a flour trust and meat trust,
A trust in beer and malt;
A cracker trust and a sugar trust,
A trust in lead and salt.
There's an oil trust, an ice trust,
A trust in lard and soap;
A starch trust and coffee trust,
A trust in twine and rope.
There's a collar ttust and cuff trust,
A trust m cotton bales,
A silk trust and a milk trust;
A trust in screws and nails,
There's a woollen trust, a worsteds trust,
A trust in coke and gas;
A thread trust and a pin trust,
A trust in zinc and brass,
There 's a leather trust, a lumber trust,
A trust in printer's type;
An iron trust and a steel trust,
A trust in sewage pipe.
There's a copper trust, a coal trust,
A trust in bricks and bridges;
A school book and a coffin trust;
And a trust in cartridges,
There's a scissors and a shears trust,
A trust-in chewing gum;
A saw trust and a stove trust,
A trust in petroleum.
There's a match and a watch trust,
A trust in ammunition;
And the trusty friend of all trusts
Is the trust politician.--"Industrial Bulletin."
From the Perth newspaper the Truth Saturday 11 July 1908, p. 1.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory