Australian Folk Songs
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The Warren Railway (1909)
(By "Optimist.") ;
Hurrah for the Warren railway !
It's got a move on at last ;
Travelling to town "at the old jig-jog,"
Will soon be a thing of thie past.
So wake up now ye Bridgetownites--
Let us all be happy and gay ;
The seven lean years are over now
And the fat ones have come to stay.
Hurrah for the Warren railway !
See how the cookies smile ;
They think of the distance , they had to cart,
And soon they won't have a mile.
So wake up now ye Bridgetownites--
Let us all be happy and gay ;
The seven lean years are over now,
And the fat ones have come to stay
Hurrah for the Warren railway !
Do you see old Boniface grin ;
He's thinking of all the beer he will sell,
And the silver rolling in.
So wake up now ye Bridgetownites--
Let us all he happy and gay ;
The seven lean years are over now,
And the fat ones have come to stay
Hurrah for the Warren railway !
The storekeepers they say
Are jumping with joy ; the terms are cash,
And its gold at the navvies' pay.
So wake up now ye Bridgetownites--
Let us all be happy and gay ;
The seven lean years are over now,
And the fat ones have come to stay
Hurrah for the Warren railway !
The sleeper cutter has marked
All the beautiful jarrah trees
That's never been ringbarked.
So wake up now ye Bridgetownites--
Let us all be happy and gay ;
The seven lean years are over now,
And the fat ones have come to stay
Hurrah for the Warren railway !
Says the Combine man hoo-ray ;
We must get a big concession, now
From the Government of the day.
So wake up now ye Bridgetownites--
Let us all be happy and gay ;
The seven lean years are over now,
And the fat ones have come to stay,
Hurrah for the Warren railway !
We shall hear the engine's roar,
As it's rattling through the forest where
It never has been before.
So wake up now ye Bridgetownites--
Let us all be happy and gay ;
The seven lean years are over now,
And the fat ones have come to stay.
Now merchant men, and traders too,
And workers one and all ;
Wake up ! Arise ! Why slumber-so ?
Don't -you hear the people call ?
So wake now ye Bridgetownites--
Let us all be happy and gay ;
The seven lean years are over now,
And the fat ones have come to stay.
Let's give three cheers for Layman, boys,
And one for Premier Moore :
Only for Harry we never would have
The railway here I'm sure.Notes
From the Bunbury WA newspaper the Blackwood Times Friday 3 December 1909 p. 3.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory