Australian Folk Songs
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They'll Kick You When You're Down (1892)
There's nothing surer in this world,
In country or in town,
If from Success' heights you're hurled--
They'll kick you when you're down !When Fortune smiles the world will fawn
As though you wore a crown,
But when the days in darkness dawn--
They'll kick you when you're down !No matter what you "do it on,"
None question your renown.
Once break the ice you stand upon--
They'll kick you when you're down !Success brings followers teeming round
To touch the silken gown ;
They rob you while good things abound--
And kick you when you're down !They'll Kick You When You're Down
The deeper you may plunge, in time
The deeper you will drown,
Success is virtue , failure crime--
They'll kick you when you're down !A. E. Grace.
Bourke, N.S.W.
[The above may not be up to much as poetry, nor is it of very great interest,
but it is just, as persistent as Abbott, and a lot more truthful. -- Ed.]Notes
From the Wagga NSW newspaper the Hummer Saturday 11 June 1892, p. 2.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory