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Song of the Taxes (1930)
A. L. Dawe, Adelaide:--The following extract from an old newspaper no doubt
will be interesting to readers of "The News" at this time:A poll tax, a soul tax, an on-your-wood-and-coal-tax,
The shire rate, a higher rate than what it used to be ;
The land tax, a grand tax, a sort of beat the band tax ;
Such schemes will separate. us from our hard earned £. s. d.A wheel tax, a meal tax, and this'll-make-'em squeal tax,
The water rate, a snorter rate, we won't know how to pay ;
A war tax, wha' for tax, a keep-a-bachelor tax,
Loom on the near horizon: wait the dawning of their day.A wealth tax, a health tax, a get-at-'em-by-stealth tax,
The meter rate, bathheater rate, already seem too hot ;
A joy tax, a boy tax, insure whom-you-employ tax,
Will make us more contented with our happy little lot.A sore-head tax, in bed tax, we'll-get-you-now you're-dead tax,
(The legal rate, spreadeagle rate, was charged you for your will) ;
A hearse tax, night-nurse tax, a better-or-for worse tax ;
Don't worry if your whole estate is proved at less than nil,A grave tax, soul-save tax, a way-to-Heaven-pave tax,
The altar rate--defaulter rate-there surely are no more
But a sky tax, on-high tax, pay-if-you-want-to fly tax,
Will probably await us when you reach the Golden Shore.Notes
From the Adelaide newspaper the News Monday 14 July 1930 p. 6.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory