Australian Folk Songs
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The "Strikers" Jig (1921)
(By "Free Lance.")
(In a "Miner" Key.)I'll sing ye a song
Of the miner strong
Of the men who tunnel and dig,
The welkin will ring
As we dance and we sing
To the tune of the miners' jig.For we know King Coal,
He has got a soul
Though his heart is an black as black;
Hie' warm when he's lit
Though he's cold if we sit
And look at an empty fire back.But we are the stuff
That is strong and tough,
Weo're the backbone of the nation;
Altogether now,
And we'll make such a row
That will bust the whole creation.And we've got to dance,
'Tis our only chance,
And the rousing strains have caught us;
We're learning the tune,
And we'll cry for the "moon"
In the good old way they've taught us.At our leaders' shout
We must all get "out,"
Though some think we've lost our senses,
But we'll "wait and see"
What the issue will be
'Fore we D--the consequences.So this is our song
As we, march along,
But woe to the leaders o'er us:
If we're led astray,
Well--"The Devll's to pay,"
And we'll all join In the chorus.--H. C. Jarvis, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
From the NSW Newspaper the Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate Sat 11 Jun 1921 p. 3.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory