Australian Folk Songs
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A Drover's Song (1911)
O! have left the sheep at last,
Way at the back of Hay,
And now my horse's head is set
To where my home holds May.
She is the sunbeam in my heart,
Which lights the long, long way--
Slipping, tripping through the rain,
I'm riding home to May.O! down the roadway of the West,
Across the Rivers Three,
Is where my love who loves me best
Waits longingly for me.
No laggard I; at her behest
I spur to win my fee--
Dripping, whipping through the rain,
I'm riding home to May.My dear heart's eyes peep through the grey;
Her touch I almost feel;
O! Love, my love, come half the way,
Do not from me conceal
The soul that truants from its home
To meet its own ideal--
Ripping, gripping, through the rain,
I'm going home to May.To suns and moons I pay no thought,
To days and nights no heed;
They're but the steps, and steps, and steps--
The pacing of my steed.
While every tree's a shrub to me,
And every flow'r's a weed;
When, slipping, sliding through the rain,
I'm riding home to May.From the NSW Newspaper the Sydney Mail 4 Jan 1911 p. 43.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory