Australian Folk Songs
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The People's Anthem (1892)
When wilt Thou save the people--
Shall crime bring crime forever,
Oh God of Mercy, when ?
Not kings and lords, but nations ;
Not thrones and crowns but men !
Flowers of Thy heart, Oh God, are they ;
Let them not pass, like weeds, away,
Their heritage a sunless day.
God save the People !
Strength aiding still the strong ?
Is it Thy will, oh Father,
That man shall toil for wrong ?
"No !" say Thy mountains, "No !" Thy skies ;
"Man's clouded sun shall brightly rise,
And songs be heard instead of sighs.
God save fhe People ! When wilt Thou save the People,
Oh, God of Mercy, when ?
The People, Lord ! the People,
Not thrones and crowns but men.
God save the People ! Thine, they are,
Thy children as Thy angels fair ;
Save them from bondage and despair.
God save the People ! EBENEZER ELLIOTT. NotesFrom the Queensland Newspaper the Worker June 1892 p. 3.
Ebenezer Elliott was one of the leaders of the Chartist movement in England, 1781-1849; he was widely known as the 'Poet of the People,' and by his enemies as the 'Corn law Rhymer'
His collection 'The Splendid Village: Corn Law Rhymes; And Other Poems' was forst published in 1833.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory