Australian Folk Songs
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Aboriginals on Strike (1892)
Notes From the Queensland Newspaper The Telegraph 4 Aug 1892 p. 5.
At Mr. T. Ingham's Eucalyptus Works at Wallaroo, a man called "Dido," whose proper name is James Norton, up till recently supplied a certain amount of eucalyptus leaves to Mr. Ingham daily, while "Dido" in turn engaged a number of aboriginals to collect the leaves. The other, week (say the Rockhampton Bulletin) Mr. Ingham "wished to reduce the price of the leaves from 1s. 4d. to 1s. 2d. per cwt. "Dido " wouldnot agree to this, and withdrew from the contract. The aboriginals hearing of "Dido's" withdrawal would not work with Mr. Ingham, and accordingly struck. A mass meeting of aboriginals was held, at which therewere about 50 natives present, one named Jupiter being "chairman." Paddy Smith Macalister, King of Wallaroo, proposed "that the blacks should leave off picking leaves for 'Uncle' (as they called Mr. Ingham) and give white men a chance of earning a living at it." Paddy stated that some people had said that the blacks were doing the white men out of a job, and it would only be fair to give the whites a trial and see how they shaped. An aboriginal named Borneo seconded the the motion, which was carried unanimously, the natives receiving the announcement with cheers.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory