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Mallee Rain (1927)
By "DEN" (C.J.Dennis)(1927)
News comes today of beneficial rains in portions of the Mallee."
"It is raining in the Mallee!" Lo, the word has gone aroun,
And sudden thoughts fly to a people's gain.
"It is raining in the Mallee!" And we hear the welcome sound
Of tine roofs ringing to the pelting rain."There's a message from the Mallee ! And within the city street
Folk smile again, and pass the word along:
In the dusty land of yesterday that lay beneath the heat
Springs life again ; and hearts are full of song.There are stout hearts in the Mallee ; for the Mallee calls for men,
And the the weakling sags and breaks beneath her sway ;
But the Mallee hearts grew weary as each dawn came up again
To herald yet another hopeless day.And the weary eyes of rugged men looked to the plain's wide rim
For respite 'neath the sun's enduring flame.
And weary eyes grew wearier, and bearded lips grew grim
As day by day no sign no respite came."But it's raining in the Mallee !" And the fears of yesterday
Have vanished with the mirage on the plain.
And Mallee hearts are lighter now and gloom is washed away
Where sounds the happy slogan of the rain.And the old greybeard wiseacre mumble's joyfully,
"I knew I knew' that, soon or late, she's bound to come,
For 'tis just the sort of weather that we had in ninety-two,
And I never been a pessimist, like some.""It is ratning fit the Mallee !" It is pelting thro' the gums
And the roofs ring with the music of the shower.
Grim yesterdays forgotten, and tomorrow picture come
Of wide, fat harvest lands and fields aflower."It is raining in the Mallee !" And the kindly, heavens pour
Largesse, at last to hearten Mallee men ;
While, the old wiseacre chuckles, for he's seen it all before,
And he bets his boots he'll see it all again.Notes From the Victorian Newspaper The Herald 11 Oct 1927 p. 6
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory