Australian Folk Songs
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A Bicycle Song (1898)
I am a jovial bicyclist,
A sturdy soul am I,
The free fresh air ia my delight,
And doctors I defy.
They always find me strong and well,
And so I always feel,
As day by day I take my way
On a steed which is made of steel.Round goes the wheel,
And onward straight I fly,
We're speeding along, together, my boys,
My wonderful bike and I.I whirl along the valley,
Or climb the steepest hill,
And never stop till at the top,
I work with such good will.
The healthy bronze is on my cheek,
I hail the hearty meal,
As tonic rare, nought may compare
With a steed which is made of steel.Round goes the wheel, &c.
Bold youth or bonny maiden,
If happiness ye lack,
Buy (don't be mean) a good machine,
And bliss shall straight come back.
Nor pain nor woe then shall ye know,
Nor harshly time shall deal,
And ye shall love all joys above
The steed which is made of steel.Round goes the wheel, &c.
From the NSW Newspaper The Maitland Daily Mercury 19 Feb 1898 Page 4.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory