Australian Folk Songs
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Hiking Song (1932)
Once I tore around the country
on a motor bike,
Now I stretch my legs
and go out on a hike.
On my back I buckle my pack
Salute the King of Sports,
And hike around the country
in a pair of khaki shorts.See me swinging down the lanes,
and roaming o'er the downs,
Passing sleepy villages,
and dear old-fashioned towns.
You should see me have my
Beneath a shady tree,
With lambs and cows and
dicky birds to keep me company.Chorus:
I'm happy when I'm hiking,
pack upon my back;
I'm happy when I'm hiking,
on the beaten track.
Out in the open country, hiking
all the day,
With a real good friend,
till the journey's end,
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty,
fifty miles a day.Notes
From the NSW Newspaper The Southern Districts Advocate 19 Sep 1932 p. 4.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory