Australian Folk Songs
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The (W)Ringer's Song (1952)
(By "Scott")
My friends have I here to be near me,
The road has been weary and long,
But the hoof-beats are rhythm to cheer me
In my heart there's a lilt of a song.Going back, going back--hear the beating ?
Going back, going back to Injune.
Going back to the friends I'll be meeting
By the side of the Bluey Lagoon.The Carnarvons will happiness brings me
where the cliffs from the gorges rise high.
In the valley the she-oaks will sing me
At evening a sweet lullaby.Round the camp-fire we'll see the old faces,
Each beat brings them nearer and near,
Soon we'll ride in the wide open spaces
And the song of the Ringer we'll hear.With the days of my roaming behind me,
i am making back homeward again.
In the cypress and wattle you'll find me
Near the town by the side of the plain.Notes
From the Queensland Newspaper The Western Star 5 Sep 1952 p. 1.
australian traditional songs . . . a selection by mark gregory